Tips for Resuming Triathlon Training

If you are thinking of giving triathlon a go again and you’ve not actually swam for a long time?

Where do you even start with your swimming again? 

The short answer is a local club will have some swimming sessions that are usually beginner friendly or have the ability to be able to take beginners.

We certainly do in our groups in Crowle .

If you hadn’t been cycling or you hadn’t been running for a while, you’ve got to start at the beginning.

Forget what you could do and start working on what you can do now. 

That would be shorter sessions. 

Maybe half an hour in length with more rest.

As you are going along through the weeks and through the months, increasing the sessions and decreasing the rest. 

That will eventually get your swim fitness up. 

Swim fitness will not come straight away. 

It won’t come after a month.

It won’t come after six weeks. 

It’ll start getting there over a longer period of time.

You’ve really got to stick with it. 

To make sure that you’re not getting bored or frustrated, I would recommend getting some swimming headphones.

While you’re doing the work in the pool, you can be listening to some music or a podcast or something that you like listening to, which will help pass the time.

Picture of Animis Coaching Team

Animis Coaching Team

We're Coaches Jacqui and Oliver Saxon, the Animis Coaching Team.

We are a mom and son coaching team who have changed our lives through the sport of triathlon. We aim to break down the mysteries of triathlon training and show you, the avid traithlete, how simple and flexible it can be so triathlon training really does become part of your lifestyle and not just a hobby.