A Guide to Setting Clear Triathlon Goals

We need to start the off season by setting some goals for 2024.  

I always want them to be specific goals, not  saying, I want to be faster in the swim, or I want to be more powerful on the bike. 

That’s not really a specific goal, because you might as well say, how long is a piece of string?

If you say, I want to be 10 seconds per 100 meters faster on the swim, or I want to do the 1500 meters open water swim faster by five minutes or one minute?

That’s a specific goal and something that you can break down and work on over the close season. 

Same for cycling. 

If you say I want to be more powerful on the bike and you’ve got smart pedals where it tells you your power, et cetera, or you’ve got a power meter and you want to say, instead of  having an average power of say 200 Watts over two hours.

You want it to be 210 watts over two hours. 

That’s something to work on. 

It’s not saying I just want to be faster, because we can all say we want to be faster.

We can all say we want to be thinner.

Being thinner doesn’t mean you’re going to get thinner if you don’t have a goal set. 

Saying I want to lose a stone in six months is a goal. 

For triathlon, it’s exactly the same.

Set yourself some little goals. 

Then we can map out, preferably with a coach such as myself, we can come up with a plan where we can help you achieve those goals in 2024.

Picture of Animis Coaching Team

Animis Coaching Team

We're Coaches Jacqui and Oliver Saxon, the Animis Coaching Team.

We are a mom and son coaching team who have changed our lives through the sport of triathlon. We aim to break down the mysteries of triathlon training and show you, the avid traithlete, how simple and flexible it can be so triathlon training really does become part of your lifestyle and not just a hobby.