Why Indoor Training Might Be Your Best Bet

As they say in a HBO TV show that I’m not going to name for copyright reasons, winter is coming and in some parts of the world, winter may already be here. 

If you’re in the Northern hemisphere  like we are, that means dark nights and it wanging it down with rain most of the time, or being bitterly cold with the wind.  

How does that affect your training if you’re wanting to continue?

It makes the prospect of going outside, running or riding your bike outside a lot less appealing than it has been for the past few months?

We’re a big advocate of indoor training, so putting your bike on the turbo, using a treadmill, and that enables you to keep your sessions going while you’re staying dry and relatively warm depending on which room in the house that you are doing those sessions in.

More importantly, you’re getting more bang for your buck because you’re not having to stop for cars.

You’re not having to stop for red lights and you’re not having to stop for other pedestrians or other road users that you’re having to get around.

You’ll get a better session in training indoors, but also this time of year you’ll be far safer and far warmer and less likely to get ill.

Picture of Animis Coaching Team

Animis Coaching Team

We're Coaches Jacqui and Oliver Saxon, the Animis Coaching Team.

We are a mom and son coaching team who have changed our lives through the sport of triathlon. We aim to break down the mysteries of triathlon training and show you, the avid traithlete, how simple and flexible it can be so triathlon training really does become part of your lifestyle and not just a hobby.